The alphabet consists of 36 letters.
These 36 letters are divided over the 36 decans of the year.
Click on a letter for more information regarding the name of the letter and
regarding its Hebrew counterpart! The 22 Hebrew letters are included in the alphabet.
The first 22 letters correspond exactly to the Hebrew alphabet, i.e. the first 22 letters represent the Hebrew alphabet.
The letters exist like an icon on a golden background.
Source of quotations: Friedrich Weinreb, Buchstaben des Lebens.
numeric value | 1 |
phonetic value | “a” as in “father” |
transcription |
symbol | ox’s head |
All other letters emerge from the silent ʔalef. The ʔalef rules starting from the invisible area. It lives beyond being. It creates the connection to the beyond. “Look, the first manifestation comes from the hereafter: it’s the drop. And immediately this drop living in the hereafter shows itself on the other side, on our side, here and now. Love creates. Creation is love.”
numeric value | 2 |
phonetic value | “b” as in “back” |
transcription |
symbol | house |
“beyt is the first sound manifesting in this mortal world, and beyt means house. This manifesting entity brings with it its world, it forms this world.”
numeric value | 3 |
phonetic value | “g” as in “good” |
transcription |
symbol | camel |
“The third of the letters is gīmel, the camel that carries us through the times. It carries us and moves on, but itself it is resting; it could say of itself that it was the same, that it didn’t move. But it is carried, and what carries it moves and brings it through new lands.”
numeric value | 4 |
phonetic value | “d” as in “delta” |
transcription |
symbol | door |
“With the help of God the camel leads us through our world to the door. Let us open this door! Doesn’t the third letter, gīmel, follow the letter dalet as the fourth? And dalet means door.”
numeric value | 5 |
phonetic value | “e” as in “let” |
transcription |
symbol | window |
“The house has windows, the world lets in messages from outside. As soon as we become aware of the possibility of getting out and in, we discover that our house, our world has always had this window, that the brightness inside comes from a source in a light outside, and the warm-heartedness among people has its roots in a greater love.”
numeric value | 6 |
phonetic value | “w” as in “water” or “oo” as in “food” |
transcription |
symbol | hook |
“Now that heʔ has reached its perfection, now that the human form is ripe, it seeks its likeness in heaven, just as heaven yearns to recognize earthly man in his perfection. From this longing from bottom to top and from top to bottom the connection is now established. The connection builds a bridge between earth and heaven. Is the sign that we encounter on our way through life, on our way through the palaces, through the heavenly halls, not called waw? waw means hook, connecting hook, something that brings two separate things together. Isn’t waw the word and that we use to put sentences together? In its longing the human being has reached its perfection exactly as man and woman. In this way they are connected to the superior.”
numeric value | 7 |
phonetic value | “z” as in “zoo” |
transcription |
symbol | weapon & penis |
“This sign is called zayin, and zayin actually means weapon. The fight with the weapon zayin is the war of God. In this world zayin symbolizes human wars and sexuality. The seventh letter marks the 7th day of creation, it is the day of our ongoing now.” The seven virtues are our weapons on our ways with God.
numeric value | 8 |
phonetic value | “a” as in “hate” |
transcription |
symbol | courtyard |
“The number eight bears the seal of the 8th day, the big day of the other, the world to come. It is also the day of the Messiah [Khristos], the anointed one. The (hebrew) word for oil contains the term eight. The eighth letter, ḫeyt, means fence. The window of the heʔ is closed in its form. You only see yourself and your own world. The courtyard, the ḫeyt sign means a tremendous experience. It calls us to reality. It is part of the lovemaking between God and man. The lovers play with each other.”
numeric value | 9 |
phonetic value | “t” as in “time” |
transcription |
symbol | double |
“The symbol ṭeyt has the hieroglyphic shape of a uterus with its small opening. But it also shows a room where there is darkness. The ninth plague in Egypt is darkness.”
numeric value | 10 |
phonetic value | “i” as in “machine” or “y” as in “year” |
transcription |
symbol | hand |
“In this 10, this yōd, the secret of God’s name dwells! - yod-heʔ-waw-he. The word yōd means hand: the basis and mystery of our actions.”
numeric value | 20 |
phonetic value | “k” as in “skin” |
transcription |
symbol | palm (grip) |
“Just as ʔalef is silent, the hand as yōd is still not really recognizable on this new level of tens. It is the reality of the yod-world with everything that we know and experience from the yōd. And like the sound comes into reality with the letter beyt, so you only really experience the hand in the letter kaf. Because kaf also means hand, but now the hand that is ready to grip. The ability to grip something with the hand leads us to the possibility to grasp something in the world. The house of the world becomes tangible on the level of the yōd.”
numeric value | 30 |
phonetic value | “l” as in “love” |
transcription |
symbol | cattle prod |
“Now the hand grabs the lamed, the cattle prod, the stick, with which we set the bull in motion. The bull with its secret plows the world, prepares it to take up the seeds. ʔalef appears. The signs in the sky with the sign bull in the beginning start turning, moving. Time is moving.”
numeric value | 40 |
phonetic value | “m” as in “Maria” |
transcription |
symbol | water |
“Time is manifested and revealed in the now appearing character mem. The movement of the bull, the changes in the constellations, the development, the growth are based on hidden origins in the days of creation at the beginning. The character mem also means water. The water and the time are comparable in that they pass by. mem represents the number 40 – after lamed which represents 30. The masculine, which is hidden in the number 3, produces the feminine, corresponding to the number 4, just like gīmel, the camel, leads to the dalet representing the door of the world.”
numeric value | 50 |
phonetic value | “n” as in “November” |
transcription |
symbol | fish |
“nūn means fish, but according to tradition it also represents the original fish on which the world rests, the Leviathan. Living in water, in time and space of this world, nūn points to the appearance of life, points to the appearance of man. The meaning of human life is shown in the figure of nūn.”
numeric value | 60 |
phonetic value | “x” as in “next” |
transcription |
symbol | snake |
“This character, śamekh, is the snake that meets the man in the water, in time, leading him into temptation. With the help of the snake everything is conclusive, the circle is complete. This is the seductiveness of the snake. Constricting the world soon everything appears conclusive. The snake’s cunning is the conclusive and logical paradigm.”
numeric value | 70 |
phonetic value | “o” as in “cost” |
transcription |
symbol | eye |
“ʕayin means eye. Its number is 70. zayin, the 7th letter, was the sword – the weapon on our way. Now, in the tens, the fight takes on a new aspect. The eye sees, perceives. In Hebrew, the word for seeing is like the word for pasture, for shepherd. Through his seeing man unites the multitude of what is seen.”
numeric value | 80 |
phonetic value | “p” as in “spin” |
transcription |
symbol | mouth |
“Coming to us from our afterlife the shape of the character peʔ says that it is only through our mouth that our action shows its origin. The meaning of action, the meaning of this series of ten letters, is manifested in the word; in the word, that means in everything we do, think, fantasize, meditate; in the word, which can take on any shape any time, depending on how we think, long, laugh or cry.”
numeric value | 90 |
phonetic value | “ts” as in “cats” |
transcription |
symbol | fish hook |
“Now the letter ṣadī appears on our way; it’s the hook, with which the fish are pulled out of the water.”
numeric value | 100 |
phonetic value | emphatic “k” |
transcription |
symbol | monkey |
“A new series, a new world is born from the character ṣadī. The row of tens comes from ṭeyt, the 9th character; the series of hundreds comes from ṣadī, the 90. The fish are entering a new world, one dimension higher. The first character of this third row is the ḳōf, ḳōf meaning both eye of a needle and monkey. The series of the first nine letters represents the past, i.e. the origin in the hereafter. The series of tens represents the now, i.e. the world of our actions in time and space. The series of hundreds represents the future, i.e. the eschatological, the world to come, the return to the hereafter.”
numeric value | 200 |
phonetic value | rolled or trilled “r” as in “Romeo” |
transcription |
symbol | head |
“The character reyš is written exactly like roʔš which means head. The upper region appears as the actual quality of a human being. Everything that is below is contained in the upper region. As the head directs the body, the kingdom of heaven rules over the kingdom of this world.”
numeric value | 300 |
phonetic value | “s” as in “sea” |
transcription |
symbol | tooth |
“The šīn is a wonderful character. šīn means tooth. The sign šīn is placed on the head of man where the hair ends at the forehead, in the middle above the eyes. Now we can see that the meal takes place on the reyš, i.e. on the upper part. You could say that the actual meal takes place up there. At the table, we don’t just come across dishes from the lower world. Doesn’t one say that a meal without words of the Torah is like an idol meal?”
numeric value | 400 |
phonetic value | “t” as in “stop” |
transcription |
symbol | tally mark (decussate cross) |
“The character taw, the 22nd letter, once had the hieroglyphic shape of a cross. One path cuts the other. Both paths contradict each other. It is always an alien dimension that cuts ours. Life is cut by the path of death, happiness by suffering. And vice versa. taw means suffering. One experiences the path of man which leads into the exile of the letters as a path to this taw, a path which leads to the cross. Our ways end here: Our paths end in death. Now he is removed from the cross. The grave is empty. The grave contains only the incomprehensible message of the resurrection.”
numeric value | 500 |
phonetic value | “y” as in “party” |
transcription | y |
symbol | son |
The first letter of the Greek word for son is the ypsilon. The work of the Son of God aims at the hereafter. the 22 Hebrew letters are transcended by the Son of God.
numeric value | 600 |
phonetic value | “p” as in “pool” |
transcription | ph |
symbol | philosophy |
numeric value | 700 |
phonetic value | “k” as in “kin” |
transcription | kh |
symbol | chemistry |
numeric value | 800 |
phonetic value | “ps” as in “maps” |
transcription | ps |
symbol | soul |
numeric value | 900 |
phonetic value | “o” as in “hope” |
transcription | ō |
symbol | Heliopolis |
numeric value | 90 |
phonetic value | “sh” as in “push” |
transcription | š |
symbol | pool with lotus flowers |
numeric value | 100 |
phonetic value | “f” as in “foot” |
transcription | f |
symbol | horned viper |
numeric value | 1000 |
phonetic value | “ch” as in “Loch Ness” |
transcription | ḫ |
symbol | lotus plant |
numeric value | 1000 |
phonetic value | “ch” as in “Loch Ness” |
transcription | ḫ |
symbol | papyrus roll |
numeric value | 2000 |
phonetic value | “h” as in “hope” |
transcription | h |
symbol | papyrus roll |
numeric value | 3000 |
phonetic value | “j” as in “judge” |
transcription | ḏ |
symbol | fire-drill |
numeric value | 4000 |
phonetic value | “ch” as in “Charlie” |
transcription | ṯ |
symbol | basket with handle |
numeric value | 0 |
phonetic value | “ti” as in “tin” |
transcription | ti |
symbol | forearm & loaf of bread |
numeric value | ∞ |
phonetic value | “chr” as in “Christ” |
transcription | khr |
symbol | Iēsūs Khristos |
Once again all things, all beings are summarized and redeemed in Khristos. The actual sign of Khristos is the sign of life, the end of the alphabet.
num | char | name | hebr | trans copt | trans hebr I | trans hebr II | decan |
1 | ![]() | alpha | א | a | ʔ | ⲳ | 1 |
2 | ![]() | bēta | ב | b | b, v | ⲃ | 2 |
3 | ![]() | gamma | ג | g | g | ⲅ | 3 |
4 | ![]() | delta | ד | d | d | ⲇ | 4 |
5 | ![]() | epsilon | ה | e | h | ϩ | 5 |
6 | ![]() | waw | ו | w, ū | w, ū, ō | ⲟⲩ, ⲱ | 6 |
7 | ![]() | zēta | ז | z | z | ⲍ | 7 |
8 | ![]() | ēta | ח | ē | ḫ | ϧ | 8 |
9 | ![]() | thēta | ט | th | ṭ | ⲑ | 9 |
10 | ![]() | iōta | י | i, ī | y, ī | ⲩ, ⲓ | 10 |
20 | ![]() | kappa | כ | k | k, kh | ⲕ, ⲭ | 11 |
30 | ![]() | lambda | ל | l | l | ⲗ | 12 |
40 | ![]() | my | מ | m | m | ⲙ | 13 |
50 | ![]() | ny | נ | n | n | ⲛ | 14 |
60 | ![]() | xi | ס | x | ś | ⲝ | 15 |
70 | ![]() | omikron | ע | o | ʕ | ⲵ | 16 |
80 | ![]() | pi | פ | p | p, f | ⲡ | 17 |
90 | ![]() | ṣampi | צ | ṣ | ṣ | ⳁ | 18 |
100 | ![]() | ḳoppa | ק | ḳ | ḳ | ϟ | 19 |
200 | ![]() | rhō | ר | r | r | ⲣ | 20 |
300 | ![]() | sigma | ש | s | s, š | ⲥ, ϣ | 21 |
400 | ![]() | taw | ת | t | t | ⲧ | 22 |
500 | ![]() | ypsilon | - | y | - | - | 23 |
600 | ![]() | phi | - | ph | - | - | 24 |
700 | ![]() | khi | - | kh | - | - | 25 |
800 | ![]() | psi | - | ps | - | - | 26 |
900 | ![]() | ōmega | - | ō | - | - | 27 |
90 | ![]() | šai | - | š | - | - | 28 |
100 | ![]() | fai | - | f | - | - | 29 |
1000 | ![]() | ḫai | - | ḫ | - | - | 30 |
1000 | ![]() | ḫori | - | ḫ | - | - | 31 |
2000 | ![]() | hori | - | h | - | - | 32 |
3000 | ![]() | ḏanḏia | - | ḏ | - | - | 33 |
4000 | ![]() | ṯima | - | ṯ | - | - | 34 |
0 | ![]() | ti | - | ti | - | - | 35 |
∞ | ![]() | khi-rhō | - | khr | - | - | 36 |